Friday, July 8, 2016

Can Turkeys Fly? Fun Turkey Facts for Kids

There are two different species of turkeys the wild turkey and the ocellated turkey.

There are five sub-species of wild turkeys: Eastern Wild Turkey, Osceola (Florida) Wild Turkey, Rio Grande Wild Turkey, Merriam’s Wild Turkey and Gould’s Wild Turkey.
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Wild Turkey’s live across North America.

Ocellated Turkeys live in South Eastern Mexico, Northern Belize and Northern Guatemala.

It is easy to tell the difference between Wild Turkeys and Ocellated Turkeys.

Ocellated Turkeys have a mixture of bronze, green and blue feathers, similar to a peacock.

Wild Turkeys have mostly brown feathers.

Ocellated Turkeys also weigh less then Wild Turkeys.

A male turkey is called a Tom or gobbler.

A female turkey is called hen.

A baby turkey is called a poult or sometimes a chick.

A group of turkeys is called a flock.

Male turkeys weigh between 8-24 pounds and are about 4ft long.

Female turkeys weigh between 7-16 pounds and are about 3ft long.

Hens can lay between 6-18 eggs. On average they lay 12 eggs.
The eggs take about one month to hatch.

Baby turkeys cannot fly for two weeks.

Adult turkeys have around 3,500 feathers.

Turkeys are omnivores meaning they eat both plants and animals.

Turkeys eat nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, insects, small reptiles and amphibians.

Only wild turkeys can fly. Domesticated turkeys (turkey’s living on farms) cannot fly because they are usually too heavy.

Only male turkey’s can gobble.

Turkeys can run up to 25 miles per hour.

The wattle is the flap of skin that hangs from a turkey’s chin.

The wattle turns bright red when a turkey anxious or worried and when he is attracting a mate.

Wild Turkeys live in open forests.

Wild Turkeys sleep in trees.

Predators to a turkey are snakes, raccoons, wildcats and humans.

Over 90% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

The average weight of a turkey purchased at Thanksgiving is 15 pounds.

Turkey has more protein than beef or chicken.

There is no way to prove if turkey was eaten at the first Thanksgiving.

Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be America’s national bird. However, he was out voted and the eagle became the national bird.
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